
What Can a Ship Management Company Do for Me?

May 22, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Managing a ship, even just one, is a labor-intensive and complicated job. From ship maintenance to staying on top of regulations and compliance guidelines, managing a ship can be a daunting task. However, regardless of what business you are in, having ships for transporting goods is likely to be beneficial to your business. So how can you get the benefits of using a ship without the added work and cost of managing it yourself? Invest in a partner for maritime shipping management in Texas! Shipping management companies are third parties that work with private ship owners or shipping companies to... View Article

Six Tips for Picking the Right Freight Forwarder

May 8, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

When choosing the right freight forwarder, you are doing more than choosing a service provider—you are choosing a business partner. It is essential to your business’ success that you choose a partner that you can trust and rely on. However, choosing a partner to take care of your cargo handling in Texas can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to start. As with any tough decision, choosing a freight forwarder should begin with research, followed by still more research. Next, don’t be afraid to ask questions from the freight forwarder or from your trusted contacts in... View Article